Something I've been coming to terms with these past few months is that I'll never fully heal from my childhood. I can still grow and learn, but I'll probably always be hurt and confused when I'm not worth someone's time. I'll probably never understand why.
This isn't meant to be a cry for pity, more of just sharing my thoughts. I have a hard time communicating with people online. But the positives are that I've had very important people in my life who still talk with me and share and help me grow and I've improved so much.
I want to show my appreciation for the real mvps of my life who have stuck with me (even if in very small ways they don't realize) and not given up on me and existed to ground me when I was lost.
uhhh this thread is kinda dumb lol idk
things can suck and maybe I'm just naive, but I stick around anyway because there's always a chance of things getting much better. And I get a chance to exist and make cool things (even if most are secret right now)
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