I just received this DM tadi so I thought why not I buat thread on this topic.

If kulit you nampak letih, tak bermaya & kusam, then this thread is for you.


Kredit gambar: The Indian Express
1. Make sure you have a strong basic skincare routine

Before kita jump into other things, it is important to make sure that your basic skincare routine (cleanse, tone, moisturize & protect) dah kukuh & sesuai dengan kulit.

Kredit gambar: The Skin Experiment
Once basic skincare routine dah kukuh, only then you boleh add-on another products to cater masalah kulit kusam.
2. Never skip sunscreen

I rasa almost every thread I akan mention benda ni. Sunscreen is very very very important. Ibaratnya macam ni, if you tak pakai sunscreen, sia-sia je semua skincare products yang you pakai sebelum ni.
Fyi, sun exposure akan buat kulit you jadi lagi kusam. Jadi, please use sunscreen even duduk dalam rumah sekalipun. Your skin will thank you.
3. Exfoliate your skin

Satu lagi benda penting dalam skincare routine yang ramai malas buat is to exfoliate your skin. Function dia is to make sure all the dead skin cells are gone. Bila sel kulit mati dah tak ada, only then skincare products lain can absorb into your skin.
But it is important to make sure that the scrub yang you guna is not too harsh on the skin. Nanti lain pula jadinya. Cari skrub yang tekstur lembut & gentle to the skin.
Btw, if you’re looking for a gentle scrub with numerous of benefits, boleh try Salt Spa by @drirmaskincare. It contains Himalaya salt, kunyit, serai, halia & essential oils. Boleh jadikan mask juga, 2 in 1 gituew.

For more info, boleh WhatsApp: .
4. Opt for skincare products with brightening ingredients

Penggunaan products with brightening ingredients secara konsisten akan buat kulit kusam jadi glowing. Selalunya, kalau produk tu claim untuk brighten up your skin, then it should be perfect to those with dull skin.
If you’re looking for products yang boleh bantu hilangkan kulit kusam, Lunaglow by @drirmaskincare is the answer for you. Banyak feedbacks yang I dapat sebelum ni dari kulit kusam jadi glowing.

For more info about Lunaglow, boleh WhatsApp: .
5. Use vitamin C serum

Vitamin C is very effective untuk buat kulit kusam jadi glowing. Tapi as I mentioned in my previous thread, make sure basic skincare routine you kukuh dulu sebelum guna any product with active ingredients.
If you guys are looking for a vitamin C serum, boleh try Radiant White Vitamin C Serum from @drirmaskincare. Sangat bagus untuk brighten up your skin & buat kulit kusam jadi glowing ✨

For more info about this serum, boleh terus WhatsApp: .
Last but not least, jangan lupa untuk minum air putih secukupnya.

I rasa no need to explain further on this one. Semua orang tahu betapa pentingnya untuk minum air putih secukupnya. Nak kulit cantik bukan kena rely on products je tapi apa yang kita consume pun penting.
Btw, just a random question. You guys selalunya minum air putih banyak mana dalam masa sehari? 🤔
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