Outer Banks is a very bad show.
I cannot express how much I hate this show.
Why did they cast a 27 year old to play a 16 year old?
Outer Banks tries so hard to create plot twists, yet they hardly set anything up. So when a twist happens, it doesn’t make any sense in the context of the story, or it’s just ridiculous in general.
None of the characters are like able. John B. Is an idiot, Kiara won’t shut up about the environment for one second, and Pope is such a nerd that he crams his vocabulary down the viewers’ throat and is such a little bitch in the beginning. JJ’s alright tho.
I feel like this whole show could have been one movie. There’s so much unnecessary danger to simply lengthen the run time and add cheap tension to the plot.
The worst part of it is that it paints the Outer Banks natives as a bunch of low life beach bums. The show isn’t even filmed in the Outer Banks. It isn’t even filmed in North Carolina!
My favorite part of the show is either when they take a ferry to UNC Chapel Hill. Or when John B. falls off of his bike and Sarah goes “Did you just yeet off your bike?” Or some dumb shit like that.
Wow. I was really fired up about this show last night.
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