Sometimes I feel like we’re encouraged to seek therapy out at all costs and it makes it harder to admit when a therapist isn’t helping us or is actively making us worse.
I’ve definitely told people I couldn’t be in relationships or friendships with them if they don’t get therapy and tbh I regret that phrasing, bc it made it impossible for me to hear what they were saying about the limitations of their options
I think we make people so afraid that they’ll lose everything or that they’re unworthy if they don’t seek help. And it makes them not explore other options or stay with shitty therapists. Bc we’ve made quitting therapy a punishment.
Whenever I quit therapy I feel like a total failure. I feel ashamed and I don’t want to tell anyone, because I’m so worried that they’ll just tsk and judge me. But that feeling just makes it harder for me to find therapy that works for me.
We’re also not being honest about something. Often, the expensive therapists have the best outcomes. Therapists who have a lower rate may have a higher caseload and are too exhausted to focus on you. They may not have received extra, specialized training.
For low-income people, we tend to find the first sliding scale program and plop them in it, and shame them if they consider leaving. But I have had the best outcomes when working with $200-300 mental health professionals, and the worst m dealing with those w/ higher caseloads
We talk a lot about needing affordable therapy but we do not talk about how effective that therapy is.

Because I’ve definitely had expensive therapists I’d prefer to talk to once every two months instead of seeing the others once a week. On GD
Anyway, I don’t have the answers. I just strongly feel that instead of making therapy conditional for a relationship/friendship, that we should offer it as an option. Obvi some people aren’t safe w/o immediate help (i.e. me and meds), but i feel like we can do this better
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