Been developing a small craving yo watch some Bollywood films the past month. It’s been a very long time since I last watch any so I don’t know where to start. Peeking into my dad’s Netflix account for ideas but nothing’s caught my attention so far.
My dad loved Bollywood films but we never talked about them together. I guess that’s one of the few regrets I had before I lost my dad.
I’m just glad that I ended up with a decent relationship my dad. The last conservation I had with me was when he messaged me checking if I had enough food stocked at my place for the quarantine and sent me some videos.
There’s some feeling of relief knowing he always supported my interest in art and current career path no how questionable it is.
Welp. I didn’t mean for this thread to end up such a downer. I always been a sad person by nature but I try to keep it to a minimum. Thanks for reading here’s a cute pic of my roommate’s cat.
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