Context: only DNC is implicated in PizzaGate. The Flynn's never mentioned GOP involvement. W/ perfectly timed Flynn tweets and leaks from Assange/Wikileaks, this narrative+ would boost the GOP = Donald Trump.
This was obviously a POLITICAL PLOY. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-38231532
If you remember back in 1989, it was GOP Reagan/Bush Admin that was implicated in a homo-pedo sexual controversy. "Call Boys took midnight tour of White House". How easy it is to forget when your political candidate is at risk.
11/16 Trump wins in a rigged election(per whitehats)-Lt Gen Flynn soon becomes a hero to a covertly planned, newly created digital soldier conspiracy theory code name Q. Theory=Trump exposed PizzaGate so now the DNC "deepstate" is after him. Created one hell of a dialectic.
12/16 Zionist Lt Gen Flynn colludes w/ Soviets at UN for Israel:
1/17 Trump hires Lt Gen Flynn.
2/17 Trump fires Lt Gen Flynn.
10/17 A group of digital soldiers calling themselves QAnon was spawned as Q hit the scene. Q is born!
Q was designed to provide clandestine support for Trump in an effort to keep him in office for 8yrs. Q would covertly employ the likes of David Wilcock, Assange, Snowden and more, all acting as interchangeable pieces in this social engineering agenda.
#T3~ All people above including Trump are Zoviet assets.
This is all part of a Soviet style takeover of the American political establishment. eg. - Helsinki 2018, Putin makes an astonishing admission which the MSM (supposedly geared against Trump) superficially peruses.👇👀
Zionist Lt Gen Flynn is a counter intelligence specialist. He's got connected friends. Rich Granville is one such friend. It's my contention that Zionist Lt Gen Flynn contracted Granville to do an audit on Twitter, had him write a paper that would reflect what Flynn wanted.
9/19 Lt Gen Flynn, pulled out of a Digital Soldiers Conference fundraiser for his legal defense fund that was organized by *Rich Granville, a supporter of the bizarre conspiracy theory known as QAnon. Like son like father, Flynn publicly backed away from Q.
And now Q is publicly lashing out at Twitter's Jack Dorsey for cramping his style. Q is losing it.
Q, look. I'm not sticking up for anyone. But I have to tell you, I got your number. The names Baron, your ass is mine. Got it?
You can follow @T3Baron.
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