We've been talking about buying through social channels, for a long time. This is moving from a trend to established cultural behavior, change. Brands of all kinds, everywhere need to sit up and pay attention to this <thread>
2 - Video becomes high conversion channel

> 700% growth for # of Chinese brands live-streaming on Taobao

Paris Fashion week saw 22 indi-labels & brands conducting live-streaming sessions . 95% of orders were placed digitally, 80% of targets reached.
3 - Leapfrog from offline to social. Brands should acknowledge that entire new segments will skip e-com and move to social. They already are. Not for acquisition, for purchase.

1/4 of US & European consumers will increase spend via social.
4 - Need to shift thinking about social as a whole brand building, customer engagement, conversion, experience, support channel - not just someplace you throw ads. This from Web 👇 time to take note of where that end-to-end experience is being created https://twitter.com/web/status/1246273240508567553?s=21
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