it's fucking rich of @senatemajldr to go off about public debt when he's a skeleton on two legs and is still getting a paycheck that he's using to try to deny working people assistance who can't even pay their own bills right now

mitch mcconnell is a fucking parasite
@senatemajldr it's rich of you to collect a guaranteed paycheck as an essential worker when most people i know have been laid off. you're worried about our debt? worry about our ability to pay our fucking bills
@senatemajldr "oh no the natural debt!!!!!!!" have you asked yourself how foreclosures will affect the national debt or do you only care about that to get yourself reelected? you absolute piece of human scum
@senatemajldr I'm sure your underpaid interns filter out your hate mail every day and you won't see you thread. to that, i say that despite them being class traitors, they have the right to fair representation and deserve more than the pennies I'm sure you deign to toss their way
@senatemajldr you're just a person. you have an expiration date. covid cares for you less than it cares for the working class people it kills and that you personally find expendable

piece of shit that you are
@senatemajldr "oh no i don't want add to the national debt of future generations" is rich coming from a man who's drawing a paycheck off of my fucking tax dollars

if you're so fucking concerned about that, why haven't haven't your foregone your salary
@senatemajldr could it be...... maybe......... you're actual human trash that doesn't care who lives, who dies, and who loses their house? oh wait no we actually know you are
@senatemajldr this is the end of this thread and i hope that whichever underpaid intern is reading this understands that your boss is hear exploiting you to feed the rich and the labor you're investing is yours and yours alone

your won "worst person alive" several years ago
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