ok this is a thread about the villager moved out glitch bc ppl are saying the update caused them to get this glitch and i just want yall to know what causes it! correct me if im wrong (pls do im dumb) but this is what ive seen based on the information that's been going around ---
when a villager moves out of ur island, they go to "the void" aka ur personal "villager pool". let's use kiki as an example. kiki moves out of ur island. unless if ur friend adopts her, she is now in ur "void". ---
if ur friend comes to visit ur island, they dont need to talk to ANY villagers at all, nor did they even have 2 talk 2 kiki when she was in boxes. as long as kiki is in ur void, if ur friend visits u and has an empty plot, they can get ur kiki ---
kiki is now gone from ur villager pool and is moving into ur friend's island. this is where the glitch happens, bc somewhere along the line, this mixes in with ur friend inviting a villager to move in to their island (i.e. by adopting or mystery islands) ---
so let's say ur friend spams NMT to find judy. they find her, inv her to their island, all is g. but bc ur friend interacted with ur island and mingled with ur void, they open their game the next day to find a plot for kiki instead. ---
kiki's house is there, but kiki herself is not there. her house reads that she's moved out despite the fact that she was never there. she can still appear on ur map, and will even show up to ceremonies, but she will never roam around the island. ---
so why does this happen? who tf knows. interactions with the void/inviting villagers shouldn't mingle and glitch this hard, but hey. ---
TL;DR: don't visit someone who has just had a villager move out.

a temporary fix: rumours say u can "clear ur void" by visiting an island that has 10 villagers. ---
so if kiki moves out, go visit ur friend that has 10 villagers and no open plots. kiki in ur void will try to move in to that island, but obviously she cant bc there are no plots. now ur void is empty.

not 100% if this works but it's been said to! worth a shot!

in case it wasn't clear, as u can see, it has nothing to do with amiibos. the amiibo glitch was a separate glitch entirely and was already patched!
this thread is basically a TL;DR of this doc: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/18UAfh5xXX6-1zpmpZgk6imUibNEtT_t-puaYrW6fjOQ/mobilebasic

defs worth a read!
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