
The more we’re required to meet virtually, the better we need to get at it. I’ve seen some GREAT pro-tips on the technical features of @zoom_us.


I’ve also appreciated some little things that could make #zoomlife easier.

Let's discuss, mmkay?
First, get yourself situated:

Take a pre-login bio break.
Have water/coffee within reach.
Need to take notes? Have what you need handy—phone, tablet, it’s up to you.*

*Confession: Sometimes I have my desktop/other laptop for notes and searches--but don't tell anyone.🤫
Signal vs. noise:

Many “big deal” lectures are becoming virtual. Internet can be shaky depending on location in your house or when too many devices are plugged in. Secure a quiet, reliable space in advance.*

*Note: Quiet is challenging with kids & pets--plan if you can.
Be comfortable—within reason.

Last week while #zoomteaching, I was nicely dressed from the waist up. Which was fine—until I stood up to open a door. Pearls + pajama pants? Whoops.

Tip: Set a decent profile image for hiding video. (Here's mine.)

Also put on some clothes.😂
Let there be light!

It’s super hard to engage with a silhouette. When you can, FACE natural light. Have a window/desk set up that makes this impossible?

Try this: Set your laptop up on a tray table facing a window. A great workaround in a pinch--the better to see you with!
More on light:

Can’t face a window? Or window areas too noisy? Consider a clip-on light for your laptop (aka “selfie ring.”) They work GREAT. (Take it from someone who zoomed from a closet before.)

Warning: They CAN glare on glasses—but otherwise ROCK for formal stuff.

The thing about nerds and words is that when we see them, we want to READ them. If YOU are presenting formally? Designate another person to keep track of the chat.

Not presenting but need to follow everything? Minimize the chat—or you’ll miss stuff.

The Tee Shot:

Set the tone with your positive attitude. Decide that you’re going to treat the session as you would one in real life. Engage with your learners—let them know you SEE them.

Also it’s OK to set some rules: Video preferred, mute when not talking, etc.

Mmm hmm.
In larger groups, seeing all faces is less essential--but sound struggles get real. Consider managing attendee mics as host—manually unmuting when needed.

For Q&A encourage the hand raise and chat functions—it can make your session more interactive. Right @FutureDocs?😉
Papa can you hear me?

Recording your sesh? Consider a mic headset. Sound quality matters—especially for recordings. Go ahead and cop one on @amazon (while you’re getting that selfie ring.)*

*Trust me—if I’m recommending it? It’s inexpensive.
Selfie ring: $20. Headset: $35.
Give breaks—especially when teaching over an hour. Similar to live classes, it has to be built in. The temptation is to rush or cut things short. Breaks help.

Me: “Hey guys, let’s take a 10 minute break. Blank your video and stretch. I’ll see you back in ten.”

So clutch.👊🏾

Virtual stuff happens, man—to them AND to you. Just go with the flow, be kind to yourself and to your learners. Sometimes drama is unavoidable—but still, do your best to plan ahead. (Passwords, etc.)


Staying PUT is ideal. Driving/walking/running = distracting.
Push to connect.

I LOVE how on @CPSolvers #VMR the hosts work hard to get to know volunteer speakers. It creates a psychological safety that helps the learning climate. Today @rabihmgeha asked an M3 presenter: “Can you show us some of your artwork?”

And she did--on ZOOM!
#EducationintheTimeofCOVID isn’t always easy—but it CAN be done.

Beyond the breakout rooms, whiteboards, screenshares, & other technical features of @zoom_us—simple things like: light, sound, and YOU setting the tone can take your session from good to GREAT.

Like, totally.

I’m going to have my first ever virtual visiting professorship next week—all on (gulp) @zoom_us. I’ll be thinking of all of these things and much more--but would love some of your pro-tips, too. Please share!

P.S. @Duke_Childrens "see" you all soon--can't wait!👊🏾
You can follow @gradydoctor.
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