1) More unified Art styles across multiple series to help things feel cohesive.
2) Fewer crossover events that needlessly highlight continuity problems.
3) No more giving some characters 5-6 books a month.
4) Reduce meta humor and edginess. Both are failed attempts to seem adult. https://twitter.com/DeputyRust/status/1252993039733309440
5) Political commentary is great, but several writers need to learn more subtlety. Don't talk down to readers, respect them enough to use real arguments.
6) Slow up on new characters until you figure out what to do with the ones you have.
6) Stop obvious gimmicks to pull in readers. Sure sometimes the stories are decent, but having Superman reveal his identity or killing Alfred is just a ploy to sell books. We know those will be undone. They lack some impact.
7) Listen to readers. We can tell when a character is being pushed form the top and isn't actually popular.
8) Reduce the overall number of books. Even hardcore readers have a hard time keeping up.
9) More self contained issues. Larger story arcs are fine, but individual issues have to be satisfying on their own.
10) Stop using the comics as testing grounds for movie ideas or imitating whats popular in theaters. Movies and Comics are very different mediums.
11) Stop segregating titles by age as much. Historically Comics were for all ages. Now most titles feel like they are only for adults while kids are stuck with lame watered down versions.
12) Sell at places other than CB shops. Casual readers need to be reached.
13) More dynamic action per issue. Too many comics are just people standing around in their outfits talking. Find exciting things for them to do during exposition scenes.
14) Stop giving everyone a new outfit every month. People want the iconic classic suits.
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