Consider that farms are being ploughed over, 30 million chickens are getting euthanized and dumped into mass graves, and milk is being poured into rivers.

This is because the restaurant supply chain is different than the consumer supply chain, and can't be integrated quickly.
In a sane, competent, compassionate world, agricultural industry would learn from this and rework the entire system to allow more resiliency, to route goods to where they need to go, to basically do what capitalists say capitalism does.
But this is not a sane, competent, compassionate world.

This *is* what capitalism does. Those empty shelves caused by just-in-time inventory, those millions of wasted chickens, *is* capitalism functioning as intended.
Steinbeck wrote about mountains of rotting oranges turning to foul slime, soaked with kerosene to keep hungry people from scavenging them.

The Irish still talk about exporting bountiful crops in the 17th century while the English made fishing a capital offense.
Agriculture *could* learn from this chaos monkey and become more resilient to disaster. The entire supply chain could make waffle house look like amateurs.

But it won't, and never has.
Hell, in the middle of a raging epidemic the FDA suspended regulations and inspections.
The vast, obscene amount of waste that could have gotten to hungry people is echoed throughout capitalist history. It's a feature, not a bug in the system.
30 million chickens being killed and left to rot while people starve is exactly as much a feature as countles hotel rooms left open with their lights on in the shape of hearts while people freeze.
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