My $0.02:
Yes, re-opening the country will cause more death. There’ll be more car wrecks, more industrial accidents, more fights, spills.. and yes, more virus transmissions.
Life is risk, deal with it or go hide in a cave.. either way, you’re not getting out of this world alive.
I’ll qualify the above statement by pointing out that my paying gig is ‘essential’ and I’ve been working from home. Hell, I’m saving money by doing so. My freezer is full and bills are paid. Not bragging because I’ve absolutely been on the opposite end in years past.
I only point this out because I’m “supposed” to be one of the ones saying we should stay home, stay in hiding and so on.. accept the bullshit “new normal”.
Screw that, we didn’t become the strongest nation in world history by cowering in fear.
That’s all. God Bless America.
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