I am seeing you very much co-creating with spirit. maybe lighting some candles and setting intentions with them. Connecting with earth and truly envisioning what it is you want and knowing you are moving toward it. For some of you I don't think you are aware of it but
motherhood is a really big part of your journey here on Earth. You might doubt this at the moment, you might reject the idea because of some underlying fear, you might know full well it is and embrace this, whatever the case I am seeing that in the next few years this will be
something that comes up for you, maybe even before then, depending on the person. I feel like this is something that you're really deeply looking within for answers, this might be a part of yourself that you've been rejecting or hiding from. But I see you stepping into a place
where everything is changing, there is a lot of personal transformation as well as transformation within your life. Some of you could be meeting people, getting married, moving homes, buying homes. If you already have children I feel as though this is a message for you about
getting more in touch with your intuition, and spirit and being guided in your journey as a parent. With the high priestess here with the empress I see someone who is learning how to nurture herself and her harsh critical side and replace it with a more loving, compassionate, and
understanding approach. I feel as though this is a big change for you as maybe since childhood you've been used to hearing critical voices and so you adopted on as your own, especially toward yourself. I do see that there is going to be significant change for a group of you here
A grand transformation I just heard, I feel like this is going to bring you a lot of happiness though, a lot a lot. I feel like this is something that some of you have been really wanting but been afraid of. That's something you will be healing in the upcoming months (even if you
are doubting this now) I am seeing a lot of celebrations happening, and a lot of happiness coming into the future. I see a lot of deep rooted connections and a lot of magick.
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