yesterday dad wanted to accompany me for errands (i do not allow him to leave the car, as he is over 70 and is 100% the guy who WOULD leave the car if i even hinted i'd let him). we parked near the post office, so i could return some hilariously oversized shoes. 1/?
we were having this weird non-argument over ReOpenNC, which he was "pretty sure" involved "pushing for reasonable relaxing of social distancing and business restrictions," based on his friend who told him about this one group that might be affiliated with it. πŸ™„πŸ™ƒ 2/?
me: yes. no more businesses. yep. πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„ 3/?
maybe someone is sneaking psychedelics into his peach flavored iced tea packets. idk. he says things like this and then says "why is everyone so polarized? there's space to meet in the middle." 4/?
me: when it's a choice between killing 0 people and killing 20, saying "okay, let's split the difference, 10" feels wrong
dad: but you can't guarantee 0 people will die during quarantine. people die all the time. those people in rest homes were gonna die soon anyway. 5/?
me: so why do we research cures for cancer? those people were gonna die soon anyway, right?
dad: now you're being ridiculous and polarized!
me: πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„
me: i feel like you don't want to discuss this, you just want to talk at me and get mad when i don't agree with you
dad: probably
me: it's just weird to me that i want as few people as possible to die and you feel that's a polarizing position 7/?
ANYWAY we were parked near the post office which is near piggly wiggly. side note, this piggly wiggly floods EVERY TIME we have a hurricane, so. let me just say i do not prefer to shop there. 8/?
dad: i bet they have toilet paper
me, a person who has been looking for toilet paper for a solid week now each time i shop: 😬 eh, guess it can't hurt to check
so, they DO have toilet paper. 4-packs of shitty store brand, and individually wrapped hotel rolls. 9/?
(LOL "shitty store brand." i'm not wrong, but pun unintentional.)
it's just interesting. walmart? hell no, no TP. food lion? no, though they swear it does occasionally arrive, apparently it is some sort of brigadoon situation and i always miss it. but pig? has successfully shifted their supply chain. πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€” 10/10
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