Just apply this to immigration and you can see the flaw. https://twitter.com/techreview/status/1253040931290349569
There is no way to deduce if the individuals who get *too close* have Visas - ie are medical personnel/care givers, married couples, those who have license to cross *the border*.
It works inside of Amazon's warehouses, in a closed system with badges and guards to monitor access to said bubble, but in the open it fails miserably without the ability to identify each individual's person - literally who they and what their credentials are.
Understanding this is key in comprehending why it is so dangerous to free and non-racist (read: non-nationalist) society and important for it to resist any *marking* of peoples. In the wild, a complete system could cement the #1 thing billionaires need to subsist: borders.
We are told that it was the free movement of peoples that led to the rise of The West - immigrants seeking a *better life*, to build a *better way*. Yet, when the rich come under scrutiny they flood us all 24/7 with "SECURITY! SECURITY! MUST LOCK PEOPLE DOWN!".
Amdt 1
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people to PEACEABLY ASSEMBLE, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances"
"The right to freedom of association is recognized as a human right, a political right and a civil liberty. "

This flies in the face of the very concept of borders. Freedom of association means between various types of people - nationalities INCLUDED.
It is on this understanding that Donald Trump, as well as his predecessors, can be proven to have acted in breach of the US Constitution in their stances toward the movement of peoples in/out of the USA because it restricts who Americans can associate with.
Are "the people" only allowed to "peaceably assemble" to "petition the Government" with others who are considered as being within "the people"? We're not talking treachery here because the word in play is PETITION - which is not to hack or subvert or manipulate.
When you take this thread as a whole and swap "Corporations" for "Government" you start seeing what has been happening in the USA is a merging of SECURITY with the undermining of freedom of assembly. Billionaires buy DIRECTLY from China, you and I have to use SECURE CHANNELS.
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