👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 https://twitter.com/gerryshih/status/1253130066034225152
Idealism v Realism. Who wins? My guess is that those in the West the falsely believes in inherent superiority will be humbled by the virus & also need to rethink whether their liberal ideals can thrive in China's strong assertion of its system not just inside mainland but global.
Ideas that were FALSELY believed by the West:

a) Globalization & just in time supply chain is an optimal strategy in a world w/ VARIED governance system
b) Lack of TOOLS to fight the virus (masks, tests, ventilators, PPE etc) reflect this FALSE belief in a MULTILATERAL system.
c) Lack of quality data/info to make INFORMED decisions in a fast moving environment shows that SOFTWARE for a globalized system is FLAWED (WHO & not to mention WTO in China's case for entering & w/o mechanisms to enforce)
d) Asymmetric systems create vulnerabilty (open v closed)
The virus reveals that liberalism has gone ROGUE & that liberal ideals of open BORDERS (labor), TRADE, INVESTMENT limited by the following:

VARIED governance system (law, data, enforcement, etc)

Why was it promoted? Easy, for corporations to benefit at the expense of SOVEREIGN!
Liberalism benefits the global multinational firms more proportionally than it benefits consumers who are supposedly getting CHEAP GOODS due to the following:
a) Cheap labor (lower wages in poorer countries + lower regulatory standard)
b) Lax environmental laws (pollution)
c) Tax
When u buy a T-shirt at Walmart for 4 dollars, u are getting the COMMODITIZATION of production through:

a) Cheap inputs of commodity (cotton & petroleum to make plastic derived products)
b) Cheap inputs of labor (Vietnamese or Bangladesh sewing it)
c) Lax regulations
d) Low tax
When u go swimming in Asia, and I have done so in basically ALL countries of Asia, what do you find?


Best water is in Okinawa & also in Palawan, Philippines. That's far from the industrial bases of Asia.

If u want sustainability, our SYSTEM not sustainable.
Why is it not sustainable & when we think about earth day, you have to think about we got here & when we emerge from it, you have to ask yourself, do you want to continue to promote LIBERALISM???

Let me reverse this: REALISM gets us to IDEALISM not the other way around.👈🏻👈🏻👈🏻
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