It feels like forever ago that young people were invited to have the #YourVoiceBDA town hall with @BERMEMES and @BermudaPremier , but it was actually the end of February. I asked how young people were going to be given opportunities to lead & grow in the public service.
It was a bit more longwinded than that, but that was the gist. I followed a great question about how young people would get their foot in the door with jobs in the public service.
Tonight, @BermudaPremier said, "The old way of telling young, educated, intelligent, talented Bermudians that they are not good enough, that they need to stand on the sidelines and they need to take their talents elsewhere to make a meaningful contribution is over."
He was talking about the incredibly talented Dr. @CarikaElshae Weldon, who has come home to lead our testing efforts. She is a young Black Bermudian woman who is an expert in this field of genetic testing.
The leader of our country read out this doctor's credentials and told those that might fix their lips to doubt her for a moment, "not on my watch". If only more senior stakeholders could gatekeep for those behind them in the same way, youth would have the opportunity to flourish.
He also noted in his FB live that Dr. Weldon is working on a peppercorn contract which is so humble & gracious of her, but I truly believe that given the importance of what she is doing, she deserves to be paid for her services. Her work will save lives.
Part of @BermudaPremier's response to me at the town hall was to acknowledge when things are going right. I've been vocally doing that. The other part was about training programs and opportunities that come up as the time arises. I think this is evidence of that being true.
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