This is completely relevant . . .
You will find that I believe the CCP was taken over by the Chinese cartels that built the opium trade ~ The Old Silk Road which is now called the China Belt. Ironically the virus has killed their cash business.
Supply chains are critical, even for drug dealers . . .
So while the world has rediscovered the value of borders and shut down travel? Something else has been in progress too . . .
This is from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, we've gone after the the drugs, human/child trafficking. Disrupting distribution, so with so much wall having gone up? There's a dwindling number of illegals entering. You've just done tactically what every general does, divide and conquer.
I just tripped over an old tweet looking for something else . . . and found Adam Schiff. I almost forgot this 👇
One thing I kept noticing over time is all of Trump's actions are as a businessman ~ he uses the entire company. You hear the expression repeated often now "whole of government" approach. All his Executive Orders are not to start wars, but to defund them.
So I'm just going to leave this thread for your perusal because it's either serendipity or pure coincidence that all of this happened while no one was paying attention.👇
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