TW/// Mental health

Can kpoppies stop chasing after a person who clearly has mental health problems bc they want to cancel them for "hurting their boys" please I know you care about your idols but they're grown fucking men they don't need you to protect them
I'm pissed off kpop was never that deep just leave people alone
Unfollow me if I follow a "problematic stan" if I don't see a problem with how they act I'm not going to argue about it life's too short to harass people to get some fake justice there are more important things in life than defending your oppas
Yes, cancel culture has been used to rightfully call out racists, transphobes, and all other sorts of predators. But cancelling someone before they even have a chance to respond is jailing someone without a fair trial.
It's especially dangerous when it's about someone who has mental health struggles. I understand the need to call out possible manipulation, but harassing them and threatening them and publicly scolding them instead of talking with them will make things worse
Ripping someone from social media may seem good to you, but you don't know what that could do to them. You could be taking their only salvation from the things that scare them irl. Social media is meant to be a place to escape reality, and cancelling someone could end that
If you read this thread, thank you for at least listening to my words. I don't want to see someone get hurt over something as small as posting a few pictures praising their favorite kpop groups. It's so easy to just scroll past and walk away. Now is not the time to start wars.
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