As companies shift to remote, measuring output becomes far more important.
A team member who “worked” 40 hours a week but included 8 hours of lunch and breaks, and 5 hours a week of “getting settled in” and “getting ready to leave” with 10 hours of unproductive meetings and meeting prep really only puts out 17 hours of work.
Put that same person in a remote work role with a focus on results and where output is measured (not by ones ability to play office politics) and you’ll get more and higher quality output.
So that one team member is now super powered and easily able to do the work of 2 people.
With an economy in the toilet and no reason to expect a return to the “good times” anytime soon, employers are likely to keep many team members a remote to optimize for output per dollar of wage.
Remote work allows employers to do more with less money... which in a horrible economy becomes even more critical.
As more people are doing 2x the work, software in any category that can automate otherwise manual processes will become that much more important.
So where does this thread lead? I’ll make a few predictions here.
1) High performers will be more likel to be remote workers.
2) Most employers will get good at managing remote.
3) Product led SaaS companies that create efficiency will be up and to the right for the foreseeable future.
4) Traditional top down enterprise software will be in for a tough time because efficiency is not the focus of most enterprise SaaS.
5) More white collar jobs will be lost than anybody expects.
6) Introversion will now be an in demand personality trait.
7) Autocorrect will be just as bad in 2 years as it is today.
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