Does anyone want a fun story about my day about how TRASH men are???
So it all started when I received this fun message request on Instagram this morning
Convo plays out a little, I find out this kid that i have never spoken to in my life has been cheating on his girlfriend, lied about it to her, USED MY NAME so the other girl wouldn’t get put on blast, and now I got the attack from the angry girlfriend via Insta DMs
So girlfriend sent me a screenshot of all of the pictures that the girl sent her boyfriend. With my ultimate detective skills I figured out that this girl had a giant tattoo on the left side of her back, I have 0 tattoos
So after girlfriend blocked me on Instagram after getting hours of me getting called names and her getting mad because I called her boyfriend a scumbag (rightfully so), I reached back out to her to tell her I am not the girl with a giant evil eye tattoed on my back
So basically this poor girl’s boyfriend was cheating on her, lied to her using some random girls name so he could continue to cheat on her and receive pictures from the other girl and not get caught, and also was gaslighting her telling her she was crazy when she really wasn’t.
IN CONCLUSION, men ain’t shit.
To the girl with the evil eye tattoo: watch out girlfriend’s absolutely gone ROGUE looking for you and she’s MAD mad and I wouldn’t be surprised if she murders her boyfriend.
Sorry everyone I threw my thread off because I was so excited to tell you my story and had to redo it but please enjoy my story about how I lose my faith in the male species more and more every day
You can follow @sophieeee_beee.
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