BKDK ABO/ intersex!o!Deku/a!Katsuki

[[Feudal Japan]]

Deku’s shitty gambling father falls into heavy debt, and sells his very rare and beautiful emerald eyed male omega son Izuku when his mother is away selling their crops.

His childhood friend/bully Katsuki, an alpha-
was the same age, 13, and ran after the men carrying off a wailing distraught Deku. Deku had always been trailing after him in their small fishing village, they’d grown up together catching fireflies and Katsuki teased him for being so bad at sword fighting. Katsuki often-
chased after Deku with his wooden sword and enjoyed teasing the much smaller freckled boy.They’d lived their whole lives together in this small town, and now were being ripped apart.

Sometimes it takes someone being taken away to realize you can’t be without them.
Katsuki tried to fight off the much bigger grown men, paid soulless samurai, but they pushed him away and laughed, ganging up on the furious young alpha and kicking him till he could barely move. He watched Deku cry out for him and he screamed after the omega, vowing-

And Deku didn’t.

Years working up to his birthday, he trained as a geisha. Aizawa was the house father and trained the other omega males how to dance and perform.
he became best friends with a blonde bubbly housemate Kaminari, and with an omega girl Uraraka in the female omega house across the street. He was one of the lucky ones who had a house father that had a kind heart. He was strict and grumpy but he never beat his students.
He lived in the greatest city in the region now, he had cried every night for a year but over time he noticed the lanterns and wondrous architecture and activities were much more plentiful here. It was like another world from what he knew.
He considered Kaminari like a brother, the mischievous lively boy had been there longer than him, and was the biggest reason he was able to eventually feel like this place was his new home. Kaminari stole paper parchment from a market stall and Deku filled every page with-
studying for becoming the greatest geisha in Japan. The last page, he drew Kacchan to the best of his ability from memory, and notes about him so he’d never forget. As he grew older that longing was realized as love, but he thought the only way Kacchan would ever find him was if-
he became famous. At 16, as a maiko(young apprentice geisha), he loved hearing stories from drunk patrons of the Fire Samurai. Whos red garb fluterred around as he sword fought like a flame, whose technique dazzled and struck fear into any enemy.
The lord of the area, a most benevolent and affluent man Toshinori, was once the best warrior in Japan who retired and won copious amounts of land. Deku dreamed of telling his precious Kacchan the fantastic tales of the Fire Samurai, he still remembered the red of the boys eyes.
Deku was now famous, Aizawa was proud, and Kaminari was his biggest fan. They said his passionate performance crackled and sparked awe in anyone who watched, green hair combed up with jade decorative combs on top. He was called the Emerald Rabbit, painted posters of his shows-
Coated bamboo fences in the city, people held their breath when he shuffled in tall sandals in the market stalls looking at silk kimonos with Aizawa and Kaminari. He was invited to the feudal Lord Toshinori’s palace and Kaminari and him could hardly sleep the noght before.
Word had spread that the Fire Samurai had joined the palace and was the youngest samurai to earn a place at the lord’s side. Deku was thrilled to perform for the famous warrior lord Toshinori but was incredibly giddy to perhaps cross paths with the Fire Samurai as well.
aizawa dressed his beloved omega boys in beautiful kimonos. Deku wore his hair styled up, with his signature jade combs placed in the bun with peridot jewles dangling, deep forest green silk kimono paired with sky blue belt obi.
Kaminari in golden kimono and red obi, rubies dangling from his golden comb. Delicate geish makeup on both breathtaking omegas. The palace was in tones of white and bronze, sakura trees and gardens in full bloom and Deku saw Uraraka at the other side of the magnificent stone-
bridge dressed in pink and waving modestly in greeting. It was the end of a moderately dangerous war feud and lord Toshinori and his brave warriors had won. Uraraka squeals about how handsome the top samurai are, the top three were already inside beside the lord in the throne-
room. The three omegas gossiped happily walking with their escorts, Uraraka said the Fire Samurai, Stone Samurai, and Ice Samurai, were present and being rewarded with the performance of the greatest geisha of the time. Deku’s heart pounded, he smelt something in the air-
immediately, at first he thought perhaps they had set a great ceremonial fire for the celebration, but no smoke hung in the air, and the smell dizzied him and made feel so warm and at ease. He hadn’t felt this way in a very very long time. When they entered the throne room,
Everything hit Deku at once. No matter how grandiose the gilded furniture and high ceilings and elegant paintings that hung were,or how handsome the other samurai,or how impressive the lord at the throne seemed,everything melted away when Deku came home to eyes that were his red.
Tbc 👘 🔥
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