stopping by real quick to say happy earth day!!! don’t eat meat!!! whether you want to believe it or not, the meat industry is one of the leading causes of climate change! you can make a change simply by doing meatless Mondays if you don’t want to go full vegetarian or vegan 🌱
swapping out “real” meat for “fake” meat for one meal every day can also make a difference! do your research! do your part! 🌷🌎
it doesn’t have to be a scary transition. don’t worry, you’ll still get more than enough protein. vegetarian/vegan eating habits are more of a lifestyle rather than a “diet”. i’ve been vegetarian for 3 years and i couldn’t tell you how many times a month i eat taco bell
make it fun! “veganize” your favorite childhood recipe, i promise there’s ALWAYS a substitute. the world is going to shit right now, the least we can do is work together and try and save it the best we can. 🐥🦓🦒🐓🐖🐄
(this thread was just a stream of consciousness, sorry if it’s incomprehensible)
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