According to the 2019 @CountyofLA health profile the flu kills an average of 6,160 Californians. #COVID19 has killed 1,354. Explain why you're keeping the State shut down @GavinNewsom @MayorOfLA it's pretty clear it's a power grab #opencalifornianow
128,937 were diagnosed with HIV yet since 2018, thanks to Senate Bill 239 it is perfectly legal for someone to not disclose their positive status with a sex partner but it's not legal for us to watch a sunset from our car because of #COVID19?
Diabetes killed 9,172 Californian's, why didn't @GavinNewsom shut down vending machines and restrict sugar for the entire State? Or order $1 billion dollars worth of insulin from China? #opencalifornianow
5,338 died from chronic liver disease, why are liquor stores still open?
13,255 Californians died from unintentional injuries, why hasn't @MayorOfLA covered the city in bubble wrap? PEOPLE ARE DYING. #opencalifornianow
Here is what kills Californians and it ain't #COVID19
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