I’m giving away some fossils. Tips are not mandatory. #ACNH #AnimalCrossing

- Acanthostega
- Amber
- Ammonite
- Anomalocaris
- Archaeopteryx
- Archelon tail
- Deinony tail
- Deinony torso
- Dimetrodon skull
- Dimetrodon torso
- Diplo skull x2


- Diplo tail
- Iguanodon skull x2
- Pachysaurus tail
- Right negalo side
- Sabertooth skull
- Spino skull
- Stego tail
- Stego torso
- Tricera skull x2

#ACNH #AnimalCrossing
If anyone’s interested reply to this thread, I’ll reply tomorrow morning. 💤
You can follow @vesperac.
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