expose thread on BTS biggest
arabic channel and why we need to
report him, army please help 🙏

(mshaheer kpop)
ok so this thread i decided to do it because of the chaos that is happening rn on weverse app he asked his mostly young following to go on weveres and spam it with we need Arabic subs as a way to gain more following as they keep mentioning his name and why he is a bad influence
i think he got out of hand and and is embarrassing us now as arab army but this is not the only reason we need to stop him this guy is known for spreading rumours and wrong info about bts and talking about
sensitive issues that should not be talked about around bts i will list it
A video talking about taehyung and jungkook sexuality and why they are straight to him and basically putting his nose in something so personal to them that he should be not talking about in the first place.
Talking about jungkook not posting much and talking about his mental health and how he might have depression because of bullying and how he might suici*de.....
Tilte: ji*min sca*ndel in par*is
Title: Taehy*ung a s*ex offe*nder
and jungkook is in c*ourt
he post a lot of click- bait title that could lead to misunderstanding such as:

BTS bought their daesang
BTS involvement with seu*ngri
Jungkook in the ho*spital
Jungkook in ja*il

I will end it here because his channel is based on click-bait a lot so im not gonna watch every video of his but i watched the above and not only the title but the content is wrong too and i think he should be reported and stopped for it so please help us in doing so.
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