//Account going on temporary hiatus.

Truths been out for a month since then.

Yes, I’m keeping the art Kindle drops player gave me Incase if I get a second chance which will probably never happend

I have a scene for Bashy’s birthday in an alternative reality. 1/?
Yes, Bashy’s adoption is cannon to Twitterponies, Yes I’m still asking Rodri to take this account for the love of god, Yes I’ll stop asking when I’m tired. Yes the adoption toke place already and Yes I regret what I did.

Yes I will and am suffering the consequences 2/?
And yes I’m tired. Eh, past tweets of anyone who interacted with Bashy hasn’t been deleted yet.

No I’m not returning anytime soon.

Follow @BashyWisp for Drama against people who are attacking you all. I’m basically a drama preventer atm.
To wrap up this thread, have an art via IDW Sonic.

Yes I suffer from Autism and mental health. Yes I could’ve thought through all of it, Yes I need help and therapy.
You can follow @mlp_Bashy.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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