whether you agree with me or not idc. the debate is irrelevant. what’s extremely relevant is the fact that an OPINION apparently warrants literally homophobia being thrown towards me, and transphobia being thrown towards the trans community. nothing to do with debate, people are-
just attacking trans people, trans women specifically belittling them and reducing them to what’s between their legs, something many trans people are already so insanely self conscious about. i don’t know what happened in the past few months but the tl has gotten so fuckin toxic-
and it’s actually disgusting. it used to be a small portion of people, maybe 5 people tops would attack you for having a different opinion, now it’s like it’s free game and that fuckin reeks. if you have a different opinion don’t just attack the other person, at least TRY to be-
respectful. idc what ur opinion is on the debate anymore. the whole situation and how people are handling it is grim. THE PEOPLE YOU ATTACK OVER AND OVER ARE STILL PEOPLE AND SHIT LIKE THAT STAYS WITH THEM?? so call me all the names you want, it reflects worse on you than me.
being called a faggot over and over and over does shit to a person. words hurt.
nobody should have to accept being attacked on shit they can’t control.
get out of my replies
okay whatever out of my replies you go
you just don’t stop do you lmao get a hobby
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