For your entertainment here’s a thread of dumb shit I’ve done, said, or believed
I LOVED fish sticks as a kid until I asked my mom why they were called fish sticks and she told me it’s bc they’re made of fish and I NEVER ate them again...
My sister told me the reason Swiss cheese has holes in it is bc they have to cut all the mold out
She also told me the huge plow in front of the stock yard was pulled by a big ass cow... no it wasn’t
I once wanted to see how sharp my razor was so I ran my thumb against the blade and cut a nice slice off...
I once wanted to see what it was like to be blind so I closed my eyes and tried to cross a street and almost got hit by a car
I cut my hair in class in 3rd grade, put the hair in my book bag and took it home. My sister found it and I told her it was my friends hair, meanwhile I have chunks missing....
I was on my bed about to paint my toes on my brand new comforter and I poured acetone in to a styrofoam cup to which it proceeded to immediately dissolve on to my comforter and leave a hard chunk that can’t be removed....
I tried to ride my bike with no hands while standing on the bike seat to which I fell off and took a 2 inch chunk out of my knee....
My mom once told me to boil water so I put it in a metal pot and put it in the microwave and I kept wondering why it was popping and sparking 😭
In college it snowed and I refused to shovel my car out so I decided to back it down the little hill in my yard and floor it out.... it was stuck in my back yard for a month and I had to get it towed out....
I didn’t know a pickle was a cucumber until 9th grade
I once took an exercise ball down a flight of stairs bc I thought I’d bounce the whole way down... I bounced alright... but not off the ball
I used to jump off my top bunk with a trash bag bc I thought it would be like a parachute....
I once got in to an argument in 5th grade and my comeback was “you’re gay with a capital a” and I’m still mortified that I said that
As a kid I thought tractor trailer wrecks were actual tractors on the interstate that kept wrecking and I’d get so mad that they would even try to go on the interstate
I once got a new razor out and wanted to get a good shave but I pressed too hard while shaving my shin and literally peeled that shit like a potato
We got goats as kids and my sister helped me pick mine and I thought mine was a girl too (didn’t know boys had the big horns) and then they had a baby and I was so mad at her bc she lied!
After reading this you may wonder “how tf is this dumb bitch still alive?!” the answer is I have no fucking idea.
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