The Layer Cake Approach to Organized and Political Criming:


Layer 1: A criminal act in plain sight, easily recognized by everyone, followed by adamant public denial which is easily shown to be a lie. ...
Layer 2: Different angle of criminal exploitation sprouting from the same seed event as the first layer, but to a degree that only specialists/regulators/experts in a field would be likely to initially recognize as being illegal.
Layer 3: (concentrated juicier stuff) The criminal acts of layer 3 do not physically interact with anything related to 1 & 2. Layer 3 uses the upper two solely for covering and adding fuzziness to comms between co-conspirators. Multiple meanings, references, wording overlap, etc.
The results being:

-Layer 1 is generally dismissed as “*shrug*, more of the same crap they’re always doing, just get used to it.”

-Anyone able to actually recognize the crimes within Layer 2 is discouraged from doing anything about it (reasons similar to...
...“maintaining the status quo” and/or “not making waves” within their shared institution or work environment), or if there is a sincere attempt to speak out and ring alarm bells they are openly ridiculed by trolls, bots, and assorted fools.
After all, “that’s just a crazy take on the mundane Layer 1 thing which was easily explained or denied previously. What a crazy conspiracy theory u guys lol.” Right?

-Layer 3 is the big harvest. A major payout for the bad guys. Intercepted communications discussing ...
the layer 3 acts are nearly useless to investigators because all the words, references, and symbology within those communications are pulled from layer 1 and 2 events and content. The significance goes unrecognized and is never analyzed in context of being relevant to layer 3 ...
...because the good guys don’t seem to realize layer 3 exists (or on the off chance a sharp mind realizes what is happening, that sharp minded person self-censors out of fear of being branded as less than mentally reliable).
Therefore, even if layer 2 falls flat, the people involved in it are caught red handed, and convictions result... these things then fortify layer 3 and increase the likelihood of it staying under wraps forever. This is because a court has given an official stamp of approval...
to one specific version of meaning to the language and wording which were used to purposely mean different things to different conspiring and unrelated people. So, trying to assert alternative simultaneous purpose or meaning then threatens the legitimacy and integrity of...
...the already existing convictions.

The whole thing is a knotted clusterfk of human psychology and exploitation.

Very much planned out, criminal, and organized to be this way.
You can follow @VickerySec.
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