If your response to "x was a problem that made things harder" is "oh sure x and only x caused ALL the bad things to happen, totally" you are a disingenuous asshat, and need to learn how to think critically.
In general my problem with edgelord approaches to... anything really, not just politics, is that you doom yourself to a downward spiral of black and white, pointlessly aggro argumentation. It's a guaranteed way to shut off critical thinking.
4chan didn't start out as a white nationalist recruitment center. But it became especially suitable for that role, by championing mindlessly aggro edgelordism.
If you run a space that also champions mindlessly aggro edgelordism, you will fall prey to the same thing. Regardless of your current politics.
There is a time and a place for lobbing fascists' bullshit right back at them. The time, the place, and the targeting must remain specific and intentional.

If you allow that to bleed into the rest of your life, and how you interact with good faith actors, you will doom yourself.
The left already has a problem with learned helplessness and seeing everyone as potentially an enemy. When you let this kind of aggro schtick bleed into the rest of your life, you are unwittingly labelling everyone as the enemy, and creating a self-fulfilling prophecy of failure.
It is not easy to fight back from a disempowered position. But it is also not impossible. You just have to keep an eye out for gotchas like this, along with many others.
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