There are elements of certain key American monuments that absolutely need to go or be completely transformed. For example; The Apotheosis of Washington in the Capitol Building shows Washington deified amongst the roman gods.
The Lincoln Memorial is referred to literally as a temple on the main inscription above the statue. It is modeled off of the temple of Zeus. It originally was to be modeled off of various other types of pagan temples, whether it be pyramids or ziggurats.
Now I’m not saying we should completely obliterate these monuments, but we can’t allow the American civic religion to remain, it is just as much a false religion as any other. We may keep the basic structure of these but they need to be thoroughly converted with the—
—“pagan” or masonic elements wiped out. One example you could make is the Christianization of The Pantheon. The roman idols were removed and replaced with images of God and the saints and it was used as a Church. But they didn’t keep the pagan symbols or its idols.
One note: The Apotheosis of Washington was created by Italian artist Constantino Brumidi. The figure pictured here is heavily reminiscent of St. Michael. The meaning of the scene is described here. It is inherently anti-monarchial.
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