Just tried to push through some Harley Quinn comics for @comicbookclub52 and it was ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh... leaves me not so excited for this but here we go

Ready to (finally) watch Birds of Prey!
I didn’t see Birds of Prey in theaters, in fact, I didn’t know it was released. felt like the movie was about to come out for months, I saw some comics folks talking on Twitter (based on advanced screenings) and then SUDDENLY the movie had already been out for weeks?
I should 100% be in the target advertising demographic for this film and I never saw a single ad!! How is that possible? Well.

I suspect that this is the first comic book movie to come out since I turned 35. Which means... I think I’m in a new age bracket for ads 😣
I can’t wait to find out if I’m too old for the Birds of Prey movie
Oh the fucking beaver is there. Great.
I already want to turn it off?
I sat through the Halle Berry Catwoman more than once. Just want you to know that I have a strong will
I’m also currently reading Infinite Jest and that somehow feels more coherent and at a minimum absolutely more authentic
I can’t. The editing is so. Is this a trailer? The last time I was aware that my attention span was longer then the target audience, was probably watching Madagascar 3
Huntress might save this entire thing though
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