Can anyone name a Vegas venue on The Strip that will surpass 65% of their (pre-corona) projected numbers from July 20 - Dec 21 (18 months)???

I can’t name 1. Any venue on The Strip.
I hope people in Vegas are using this time off to create a solid backup plan...that doesn’t involve Las Vegas.
The amount of firings and jobs lost on The Strip from June 2020 to October 2020 is going to be insane. That’s going to be the “second wave” of this. The 3rd wave is when corona comes back (hopefully containable by then).
Not trying to be a Debbie downer, just want people to be prepared. This time off has given us all the opportunity for that.
But the answer to the riddle might not be Las Vegas. If you’re just waiting and waiting for a “re-opening” and don’t have a backup plan, you may very well end up worse off than you are now.
“Re-opening” has convinced some people that it is synonymous with “business as usual.” And it’s going to be far from that.
If you still have work, if you make it past the mass firings after re-open...then what? You wait another 18 months to MAYBE make a living that might be CLOSE to one you’ve made in the past.
Business is business, decisions will be made. If everyone is operating at 60% for the foreseeable future...I mean this is Vegas. I dont like your odds 😂. That’s kinda harsh. But just hoping ppl are preparing for reality!!!
My best guess for the Las Vegas Strip to have any resemblance to what we’ve known or know it to be...Summer 2022 at the absolute earliest, and that would be if things went perfectly.
I’m not trying to be a Tom Hanks and Bill Gates propaganda dumbfuck. But I’m also not trying to be as tone deaf as our mayor either. Vegas may get it worse than anyone. We effect (and rely on) every other city, every other airport.
Kinda ironic that all of the odds are stacked against Las Vegas, and I can’t see a way the house wins for at least two years. 🤷🏻‍♂️✍🏼
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