Redfield: When I commented that there was a possibility of a second wave being more difficult or complicated, when we'd have flu and coronavirus circulating at the same time, but I didn't say this was going to be "worse," just more difficult and complicated.
Redfield: The issue I'm talking about, it being more "difficult" in the second wave, is that we'll have two viruses circulating at the same time, whereas this time the flu season has ended so we can use all our flu surveillance system. Next fall and winter, it'll be both.
Redfield: More difficult "doesn't mean...more impossible. Doesn't mean, as some people have said, worse."
Redfield: "I'm accurately quoted in the Washington Post," but there's an issue with the (paraphrasing) headline that said more devastating rather than more difficult.

(Let's move on and never think about this again.)
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