1919 Diary of Free Methodist Bishop B. R. Jones on the Spanish Flu:

"During the first part of the year we were greatly handicapped in our work by the dread disease, Spanish Influenza. Nearly all of our churches were closed for weeks and not a service was held..."
"This had a depressing effect on the spiritual condition of the work. But, not withstanding all we have had to encounter, almost all of the preachers have held special meetings on their charges and with some result and in our judgment we think the work is on the up grade..."
"It is with a sense of pleasure that we close the year's work and take a retrospect and see how the Lord has blessed by giving us grace and physical strength to execute the work assigned us. But, in view of what has been done & what might have been accomplished..."
"...it is with humble hearts we prostrate ourselves in the dust before the Lord and seek a greater baptism of the Holy Spirit for the purpose that we may be more aggressive & useful in our blessed Redeemer's cause."
from Marston Memorial Historical Center's newsletter:

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