Esports analysts love to talk a big game about how the best games make the biggest esports scenes.

The biggest esports titles are the ones poor kids could play on their 5+ year old PCs. Development of esports scenes is way, way more about class than game quality.
Counter-Strike and DotA's scenes both developed out mods from years-old games.

League of Legends is popular because anyone in any LAN cafe could run it.

Same with Brood War.

If you think Valorant's looks are a problem for its esports viability, you're woefully mistaken.
Granted, the games have to be good enough to support a competitive scene in the first place.

But any narrative around the rise of esports titles that doesn't take class issues into account completely misses how communities grow.
See also: the FGC. Just, like, the whole thing.
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