So let's talk about Human Design CIRCUITS! There's 3 of them and they will tell you A LOT about yourself depending on which circuitry/energy you are tied to the most

Individual = Focused on change and empowerment on an individual level. They are mostly concerned with themselves
Tribal = Focused on how their "tribe"/close ones operate in the material world. Focused on supporting their community and feeling the support of their community in turn

Collective = Focused on sharing ideas/perspectives/experiences. Wants everyone to be on the same page
So if you don't have your body graph, you might want to take a look at it from  or  so you can see where you're at. If you want some help, just post your body graph and i'll tell you what your energy/circuitry is centered around
I for one have 3 Channels in my Body Graph. 2 of them are Individual and 1 of them are Tribal. This automatically tells me I am meant to inspire CHANGE in people I connect with/get close to. Through my INDIVIDUALITY, i create change in every "tribe" I connect with
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