Alright bambinos
Lots more food made & delivered today & now homemade bread will be distributed to the vulnerable Incase they can't get to the shops.

Just an update on the radio and TV side.
I'll now be on BBC Radio 4 8.45am TOMORROW and I'm really looking forward to it.
Also I'll be on Granada Reports on Friday. due to the virus I've had to do my own video clips of what I'm doing with the cooking side.
I'll be doing an interview via skype

Glad to see we are mucking in together through this weird time... well some of us.
If you know someone is struggling for a meal or know someone who is working & don't have time to cook let me know. 🌈💙👨‍🍳👍

#QuarentineLife #coronavirus #COVID19 #boredchef #cook4victory #freefood #bakingadifference #vulnerable
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