Having Trouble connecting your Character more deeply to your Plot?
Here's the Excercise I suggest:
List 3 DEALBREAKERS for ur Protagonist. 3 things that go against who they are or moral code (not just a fear). Then Choose 1 & Make them break it to achieve their goal. Thread...
It not only deepens your character & your understanding of them, but also creates a DILEMMA they must face that has consequences & truly affects them, may change them, etc. It creates a natural plot point or climax and a payoff for that dealbreaker youve set up (subtlely). /2
For example, your Hero is a soldier & 1 of their Dealbreakers is they would never leave a man behind. But later in the climax, to save the world or platoon, etc, guess what he has to do... choose to leave a man behind. Breaking a dealbreaker is a powerful moment emotionally /3
Finding the RIGHT dealbreaker to break AND right moment & circumstances to break it, can be key in plotting scenes & character arc as it'll have consequences for your character. It should affect the story in a substantive way. Also helps answer WHY him, when thinking bout ur hero
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