I really never thought I'd reach this point as a journalist, but I've been going ahead and canceling the vast majority of my newspaper subscriptions and voluntary contributions to news sites, all of whom are liberal leaning outlets, over their coronavirus coverage.
There's an almost obscene obsession with the worst case future scenario that generally permeates news coverage everywhere, but is particularly obnoxious when it comes to covering a pandemic that strikes fear at the heart of the global population and deals with primal emotions...
...by forcing us to forego the evolutionary imperative to socialize. A lot of this has to do with always trying to find the worst possible interpretation and end result of any action by the Trump administration (fuck them by the way, just wanted to get that out of the way).
Most countries have barely begun flattening the curve if that and you see articles about the next wave in winter that's going to be SO MUCH WORSE, or how we will never be able to shake hands again, or that social distancing will continue until 2022, or some volcano in Iceland
And I think to myself, fuck, I'm just sort of getting by day to day through waves of anxiety and emotion followed by serenity and calm, and I'm one of the privileged ones with a roof over my head and a job. And I just want to pick my laptop up and hurl it across the room.
So yeah, I won't buy into that anymore. This is not a generalization - many outlets have adopted a reasonable, measured tone and been invaluable resource for good practices and holding governments accountable (I'll specifically mention The Atlantic, NYT, WSJ, Globe and Mail)
Nor is this an anti-social distancing or "it's just like the flu" post that minimizes the horror of this pandemic.
But chill the fuck out, let the doctors do their job, stay at home, and stop fucking screaming at the top of your lungs.
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