This was going to sit in my drafts but I'm feeling controversial: people who don't think sci-fi / fantasy can address meaningful issues in a powerful way need to read something not written by a white guy
I have a lot of love for authors like Terry Pratchett, Patrick Rothfuss, and Brandon Sanderson. They all are certainly capable of writing meaningful works. But the genre is drowning in the sameness of their voices.
Female / POC authors write with unique bravery; simply writing a sci-fi or fantasy novel is an act of rebellion in a genre that shuts them out and refuses to take them seriously.
"yeah, I've read all the sci-fi/fantasy classics... LoTR, 1984, Dune, Enders game, His Dark Materials, the Wheel of Time... I want something modern now, so I'm reading ASoIaF :^)"
Me, sobbing: "please, just read one book written by a woman... Just one"
This thread brought to you by N.K. Jemisin's Broken Earth trilogy, which has explicitly gay, trans, poly, and disabled characters, relevant discussion of fear and othering, and helped me understand generational trauma. Orwell could never + Orson Scott Card is rolling in his grave
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