how do smart / talented academics in [vague sweeping gesture] these Twitter circles feel about the general attitude of "wow it's a pity that you didn't go into something useful!" (sorry, I know that's harsh, and I don't *mean it* per se — rather, I'm characterizing the zeitgeist)
I'm probably telling on myself to some degree here — in my defense, "it's a pity that you didn't go into something useful" overstates my true feelings! rather, "you could be so much more interesting and effective if you didn't have to rely on this zombie institution for cashflow"
I don't blame scientists for Science™ nor do I more generally blame researchers for Research™

it's just geeks sociopaths and MOPs writ large
people always push back when I mention this:

but the key insight is just

• geeks create value through irrational obsession
• MOPs wander over because best geek products are cool
• sociopaths (term of art in context) notice this cycle and monetize it
PLEASE, before you make snotty comments about institutionalized edumacation, notice the actually good answers from other people that ENGAGE WITH THE SUBSTANCE OF THE QUESTION
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