Man... not to be Angry Starving Artist on main, but like. So many of you ‘popular’ content creators, artists in particular bc that’s the community I’m familiar with, are so incredibly up your own asses with keeping your “feeds clean” and not helping other out less known artists.
And it’s like. Yeah sure, Twitter is great for business and getting your name out there, but it’s not a portfolio website. Keep your media tab clean, if it matters. But lmao, you could do so much good for other people. For your *friends*. That’s what kills me the most.
This isn’t even really a ‘me’ problem because I don’t have popular artist friends or mutuals. I haven’t experienced this firsthand. But I know other people who have, and it’s like. How can you sit around and watch your “friends” struggle, especially in this climate.
People are getting laid off, people are unable to find jobs that don’t put their health directly at risk, so they open commissions as a last resort. But Karen with her 2,000 followers wants to keep her feed clean. It’s so disingenuous it’s insane
And yes, no one owes anyone anything. Just because you have a platform doesn’t mean you owe people retweets or interaction or w/e. But that isn’t the point. The point is that you should *want* to help your friends who are struggling, especially if you have the means to do so.
Ultimately idk. Maybe start caring about your friends, your mutuals, especially the little guys who could really use the help. Take a step away from the self absorbed breeding ground that is social media & do something kind for someone who 1000% will appreciate you for it.
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