Happy #NationalJellyBeanDay! What better day than today to discuss animals that smell like jelly beans ... starting with:

The binturong, whose anal glands have been described as smelling like buttered popcorn Jelly Belly beans.
The yellow ant is kind of a two-for-one deal: Not only do these ants emit a lemon drop smell, but their butts also look like little tiny lemons.
The spadefoot toad is known to secrete a peanut butter-scented substance that causes sneezing and burning eyes in anyone who touches it.
Next up: the crested auklet. This fruit-fragranced bird's scent, which it uses to attract mates, smells just like a tangerine jelly bean.
The molasses-like goo that comes out of a beaver's butt smells like a French vanilla jelly bean.
That is all. Carry on with your life knowing this information.
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