after almost a year of questioning myself/my label i think i’m ready to admit that i might be a lesbian. so i’m going to test out that label for me. i know it’s not necessary to announce this but ive been so scared to come to terms with it, so i want to be open about it.
i’ve been scared to say it because of internalized homophobia and just fear of people not taking me seriously. or even fear of it changing again and people think i’m faking it. but i’m really just trying to figure myself out, it’s not an easy thing for me, it never has been.
i’ve been talking to my lesbian friends and mutuals who have all been so helpful through all of this. and it’s because of them and lots of research that i think i’m ready. i’m a lesbian. yeah. i’m lesbian. feels good but scary to say that x
(if things change please don’t be harsh with me, it’s confusing and scary for me already.)
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