just a reminder that this bug—created, ironically, by Google trying to serve info “better”—still exists after many years & bug reports

So think about how the UK didn’t have a prime minister for most of WWII or 60s when u wONdEr if guggle gives a shit about accurate iNFoRmATIOn*
*information that doesn’t make them money, that is.
Reason this came up rn was because I was talking to a student about how commercial search engines introduce bugs & bias in their quest to make ad dollars, and in their efforts to seem like neutral information arbiters (when they aren’t, and when it’s not their business model)
I figured I’d go check and see if I could still use this little handy dandy example, thinking for sure they’d have fixed it by now. Haha lol how naive of me.
and before you come in & try to eXpLAin to me why this bug is occurring, please understand that I know. I know that it’s a really sloppy programming error that never should’ve happened in the first place, & would take a tiny amount of time and effort to fix.

That’s my point.
Read the experts @safiyanoble @ubiquity75 @LatanyaSweeney @merbroussard on these issues if you’re interested in a deeper dive
You can follow @histoftech.
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