y’all please correct me if im wrong. but in my honest opinion, isnt it a bit too much to hating in bubimochi? aight, calm down.
i know she’s been calling jin with ‘mom’ and i dont ageee with her too. but for the other hates that she received, why gtt? actually she got some point?
i clearly say that i have to agree with this one. cause i did this all the time. calling my girl friends with bro... but for jin’s case, it’s different story yaa krn emg jin nya gasuka.
and im not being hyprocites but srsly she got point. apa yang salah sih dr statement dia yg ini? smua org ada hak untuk support/gak support whyyy you hatin
and for the weverse thing. DUDEEEEE WKWKWKWK bnrn serius ini mah pls lah. she’s an army and a mua. menurut gue wajar aja ngepost di weverse dan minta bantuan org” yg ikut GA buat cheer
pd bilang caper. siapa sih yang ga caper aama idol nyaaaa. ayok lah pls grow up🥺🥺🥺😭😭 gua bukan badutnya sarah, serius bgt ini mah sumpah. tp menurut gue keteelaluan aja kalo dia harus di hate terus terusan. yang menurut gua gamasuk akal aja smpe segitunya
lagian GA jg seterah kan boleh ikut/gak. gak ada paksaan. yg artinya org comment jg secara sukarela. ITSS TOO MUCHHH smpw dia hapus postan weverse. y’all stop hatin pls
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