When we become afraid of death of injury and imprisonment, we become controllable and so valuable in a way that no other resource could ever be. The greatest resource for any human being to control is not natural resources, or tools, or animals or land but other human beings.
You can frighten an animal because animals are afraid of pain in the moment, but you cannot frighten an animal with a loss of liberty with torture or imprisonment in the future, because animals have very little sense of tomorrow. You cannot threaten a cow with torture
or a sheep with death. You cannot swing a sword at a tree and scream at it to produce more fruit or hold a burning torch to a field and demand more wheat. You cannot get more eggs by threatening a hen, but you can get a man to give you his eggs by threatening him.
People get confused because governments provide health care and water and education and roads and thus imagine that there is some benevolence at work. Nothing could be further from the reality. Farmers provide health care and irrigation and training to their livestock.
Some people get confused because we are allowed certain liberties and thus imagine that our governments protect our freedoms. Farmers plant their crops a certain distance apart to increase their yields and will allow certain animals larger stalls or fields
if it means they will produce more meat and milk. In our country, our government thinks they grants us our rights. Not because they care about our liberties or freedom.
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